The Elusive Blue Box

Next weekend I'll be attending the Stampin' Up! Online Leaders Summit. An event originally intended to be live in New Orleans. Obviously, the live event could no longer go ahead. Despite having watched a preview video, I'm really not sure how this will all play out.

Unbeknown to us, Stampin' Up! arranged to have a gift delivered to each of the attendees. Much speculation ensued, would we all get one, perhaps we wouldn't. They started to arrive within the past two weeks and mine appeared on Thursday. Until it actually arrived I really doubted that I'd be on the list. But here it is!

Unfortunately, a small number of US demonstrators did their unboxing online which spoilt the surprise for those who were still to receive their gift. I managed to avoid the reveals so the surprise was all mine!
I've never had a gift from Tiffany's before and blue being my favourite colour I'd have been delighted just to have received an empty box!

There was a sweet little card inside too...

I've opened it today but am keeping the contents a secret until next week as some of our team are still to take delivery. But I look forward to using it during our opening ceremony!

Have you ever received happy mail that's simply 'made your day'? This made mine!
Thank you Stampin' Up!  Lovely happy mail!

Happy crafting,
