
Hello, I seem to have gone AWOL recently. I don't have a main computer (since it died on me last weekend) and am finding it difficult to update my blog, newsletter, facebook page and business website via my ipad. This is partly due to the ipad closing itself down whenever it gets fed up! Oh, how we rely on modern technology!!!
There is a blog hop planned for the end of this month and I'm still hoping to take part but that depends on my computer being up and running.
I am taking delivery of the new seasonal catalogue  which is due for release on 29th August. Let me know if you'd like to see one
In the meantime, please bear with me and contact me with any queries or orders. I am still receiving my emails, intermittantly, so contact me on or ring 07725 217695


  1. Hello! I'm visiting from Sheryll's blog hop list to say hello! I'm also your newest follower and I hope you'll follow me too!

    Stampin' From The Nest
